GenWatch Release Notes
This GenWatch update is available at no charge for customers who are up-to-date on their maintenance and support agreement. For support questions or to check the current status of your support and maintenance agreement, please contact Genesis Customer Support.
Before installing on an ATIA-based system, the database will need to be updated. Genesis Support personnel will provide this service for customers who are up-to-date on their maintenance and support agreement. If applicable, please contact Support to schedule the update.
GenWatch 2.23.5
MSI Compatibility
ASTRO | 2022.1 |
MOTOTRBO | M2021.03 |
PMI | 0770 |
IMW | 5.2.4 |
DIMETRA | D9.2 |
New Features – iVISTA – Map
- Legend shows current selections for dynamic site marker gauge and size statistics.
New Features – iVISTA – Report Distribution
- Emailed reports can now be configured to attach as ZIP files instead of XLSX
- Reports can be published to network folders or FTP/SFTP targets
- Reports can be published in XLSX or CSV format
New Features – iVISTA – Report Updates
- New date range preset options “Last 30 Days” and “Last 6 Months”
- Subscriber PTTs by Site – New column to display PTT time in hour, minutes, seconds format
- Subscriber Last Activity – New column displays the last successful authentication date and time
- Radio Rejects Report
- Failed Registrations tab shows unsuccessful registration attempts
- Failed Affiliations tab shows unsuccessful affiliation attempts
- Failed Authentication tab shows unsuccessful authentication attempts
- APM/CGF – Dropped connections recover as expected.
- ATIA – Reduce CPU usage of Sync process.
- GW3 – Improved Busy Potential calculation logic to prevent memory leak.
- GW3 – GenSPOut “WHERE NOT” filter logic corrected.
- GW3 – GW_Connect PMI and GW_GenIIB connections enforce the “Do Not Archive” option.
- iVista – Unassigned devices can be assigned to resources that have not had alarms.
- iVista – Removed obsolete table EGL_Alarms from purge list.
- iVista – Removed redundant hover text on site settings.
- iVista – Prevent redirect loop possible when home page is favorited.
- iVista – Talkgroup selector returns expected results when searching by alias.
- iVista – Fixed Site/Place mapping on pre-2.23 upgrades with UEM Enhancement.
- iVista – Fixed console site appearance for installations without UEM Enhancement.
- iVista – Prevent notifications from reappearing after being cleared.
- iVista – Breadcrumb report clears previous locations when loading a new subscriber.
- iVista – Ensure subscriber blacklist displays the current subscriber selections.
- Reports – SNMP reports show site aliases consistent with GW3.
- Reports – Scheduled report editor displays the accurate value for numeric parameters.
- Reports – Subscriber Last Activity report no longer contains duplicate rows for synchronized data.
- Reports – Corrected reporting role permissions on the Genesis long-term database.
- SNMP – Fixed SNMPDeviceEventsType tables alias length to match other tables.
- SNMP – Prevent race condition when loading SNMP Traps from the database.
- Trio – Ensure excluded charges for discounts are saved correctly.
- ZSS – Fixed possible failure on start/restart.
GenWatch 2.23.4
MSI Compatibility
ASTRO | 2022.1 |
MOTOTRBO | M2021.03 |
PMI | 0770 |
IMW | 5.2.4 |
DIMETRA | D9.2 |
New Features – iVISTA – Map
- Dynamic Site Markers provide a real-time visualization of site statistics.
New Features – iVISTA – Quick Search
- Quick search expanded to find talkgroup results with:
- Link to Talkgroup Activity Details report
- Link to open the talkgroup drilldown page
- Site affiliations listed by subscriber population.
- Quick search expanded to find site results with:
- Link to Detailed Site Use report.
- Link to the site on the Map page
- Link to open the site drilldown page
New Features – iVISTA – Reports
- New FDMA Impact report details subscribers that cause FDMA traffic on TDMA resources
- Schedule management page updates with a grid display with advanced filtering /sorting options
- Single-Run schedules are purged from the system
New Features – iVISTA – SNMP
- Events and Alarms pages updated with grid display with advanced filtering/sorting options
- UEM Alarms can be configured to timeout and auto close based on alarm severity
New Features – iVISTA – Agency Management
- Subscriber management now supports manual and range assignments in conjunction with security group assignments
- Subscribers can be assigned to secondary agencies for complex agency requirements
New Features – GenWatch
- SAM – New “Reject Watch” can be configured to generate suspect subscribers based on received system rejects
Improvements/Fixes – iVISTA
- Dashboard timeframe selection saved and recalled correctly
- Report export settings are no longer overwritten on startup in AD mode
- Fixed upgrade error encountered on installations with UEM Enhancement
- Removed obsolete DB objects from database purge list
- Fixed upgrade error when previous version was 2.16 or earlier
- No longer store DB records for subscribers that have never been active on the system.
- Fixed subsites to always appear under the correct site record
- Fixed session timeout determination using non-US date formats
- Report Help correctly defines Speed column as Meters per Second.
Improvements/Fixes – GenWatch
- Illegal Carrier KPI entries purged correctly
- Improved TRIO/PMI performance on low bandwidth networks
- GenSPOut – Ensure ID Alias field is available for Location packets
Improvements/Fixes – ATIA Data Warehouse
- Fixed pull procedure to work correctly when the warehouse already has records with higher unique values
Improvements/Fixes – SDS
- Fixed connections to “Active” mode FTP/SFTP servers
GenWatch 2.23.3
MSI Product Compatibility
ASTRO | 2022.1 |
MOTOTRBO | M2021.03 |
PMI | 0770 |
IMW | 5.2.4 |
DIMETRA | D9.2 |
New Features – iVISTA – MAP
- Subscriber styles selector is hidden when no subscriber layers are enabled.
- Site tooltip contains a link to open the site drill-down page.
New Features – iVISTA – Reports
- Date format is configurable with options for US, EU, or Universal style.
- New Email permissions allow administrators to control which users can email reports.
- Email options will not appear when SMTP is not configured or enabled on the server.
New Features – iVISTA – SNMP
- Accesses SNMP data directly from GET SNMP instead of reprocessing.
- Uses GenWatch3 IP ranges instead of maintaining separate IP range settings.
New Features – iVISTA – Security
- User session timeout can be configured per user instead of server-wide.
- User sessions no longer expire at different times based on which pages are loaded.
- User session timeout can be disabled for any user except the initial administrator account.
New Features – GenWatch
- Added support for PMI version 0770.
- SQL Express redistributable version updated to 2022.
New Features – GenWatch – SNMP 2SQL
- Processes UEM data based primarily on IP map settings.
- IP map settings are synced with GenWatch3.
Improvements/Fixes – iVISTA
- Fixed behavior if Default dashboard is deleted
- Map settings window recalls previous values correctly
- Talkgroup resource selectors no longer attempt to load all talkgroups
- Genesis DB purge job no longer contains extraneous steps
- GW3 API token is only refreshed as needed
- Subscriber resource selector no longer attempts to display all subscribers
- APM Rx/Tx packets are processed correctly for alphanumeric systems
- APM Rx packet values are displayed correctly
- Fixed call line display for MOTOTRBO LCP system type
- Devices assigned to subsites are displayed correctly
- Dimetra UEM Site Availability report shows correct site alias on each tab
- Fixed race condition during SignalR connection which caused missed packets
- Events By Type report uses text filter on Event Description column
- Site widgets can be viewed on the map without admin permission
- Ensure sites loaded on all UI elements
- Reduced chance of deadlocks in the SNMP UEM Availability Report
- Improved load time for results on Alarms Page
Improvements/Fixes – GenWatch
- Throttle batch commands for TRBO to ensure each command is processed
- Fixed timestamps used for speed calculation to detect IDD Suspects in SAM
- Fixed IMW batch location processing so that other connections do not fall behind
- Ensure SQL login has all permissions required for Illegal Carriers KPI processing
- Fixed Illegal Carrier KPI processing on SQL Server names with hyphens
- Fixed race condition in the IMW connection when CurrentState is requested during service startup
- Illegal Carrier KPI creates 5-minute buckets for the correct timeframes
- Ensure all location updates for the same device are processed when received in a batch
- Fixed IMW exception when location reports arrive during a CurrentState request
- Terrafix connection detects possible disconnect and attempts to reconnect
- Fixed memory leak found in subsite processing
Improvements/Fixes – ATIA 2SQL
- Ensure location updates are processed with correct timestamp
- DB Pull configuration form prevents misconfigurations
- DB Sync process improved to reduce chances of deadlocks
- DB Sync process handles records with matching UCNs
- Fixed possible exception processing location or presence packets from GW3
- Increased resilience of internal processing and ensure errors are logged
- IP Address field’s whitespace is trimmed before saving the value
Improvements/Fixes – SDS 2SQL
- Allow connections in FTP Active mode
- Fixed DB Purge process to use correct timestamp