Splits, filters and distributes two-way communications data
GenSPOut™ (Genesis Specified Packet Output) splits complex trunking network data, filters, and distributes it to its desired destinations. It is a powerful specialty module for GenWatch for ASTRO® 25 systems, as well as GW3-TRBO® for MOTOTRBO® systems. GenSPOut formats decoded Control Channel or ATIA data and passes it to a variety of external devices, such as specialized CAD systems, consoles, voice recorders, alarm devices, and more!
Note: Not all GenSPOut output packets are available from all input sources. Contact Genesis for full details.

Features At A Glance
Because of its unique filtering and distribution capabilities, GenSPOut is an extremely useful tool for voice recorders, console manufacturers, and CAD vendors. It can be used in a variety of applications, such as:
- Send data about only a selected talkgroup to a printer, display, voice recorder, database, or COM port.
- Send data about only calls that happen on a selected channel or channels to a printer, screen, voice recorder, or database.
- Filter out extraneous/unwanted Control Channel or ATIA data and send the core call information to a voice recorder or database that is attached to the trunking system.
- Send radio ID and radio call information to a CAD system.
- Create a large display in a dispatch center that only displays when certain people turn their radios on (affiliate).