Genesis News

Grace EmBEDded Ministry Builds 100 Beds on One Night

Genesis is partnered with Pure Religion and their Grace EmBEDded ministry, which builds and delivers beds for foster homes. Nearly 1 in 3 foster care situations in our area of Smith County, Texas are impacted by the absence of a bed. Grace EmBEDded needed 100 new beds to provide to foster homes in East Texas for the holidays. At a gathering at the Green Acres Baptist Church parking garage last evening, this lofty goal was easily met, thanks to a massive turnout of around 400 volunteers. We also thank Green Acres Baptist Church, Smith County Sheriff’s Office, CBS Rental and Supply, Chick-Fil-A, and Coca-Cola for donating their time, goods, and resources as well.

To learn more about Pure Religion and their Grace EmBEDded Ministry, visit


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