Using Genesis PULSE® with Waze integration, 911 call centers can easily pinpoint traffic events, such as construction, congestion, or accidents. Using this data, dispatchers can send emergency units along faster routes, avoiding delays.
Today, Genesis is pleased to announce Genesis PULSE is launching a new in-vehicle mobile app with Waze integration. It provides first responders not only with current road conditions but real-time, turn-by-turn navigation. All of the features of Waze and Genesis PULSE — combined in one powerful mobile interface.
The development of the PULSE mobile app is made possible by the Waze Transport SDK (software development kit), which was announced by Waze today. The SDK allows partners in the Waze Connected Citizens Program to easily implement some of Waze’s most useful features, natively in their own apps.
For developers interested in contributing to the free Waze SDK program, visit here.